You’ve accepted an offer to sell your home to a particular buyer – so, now what happens? There are too many details to describe here but suffice to say that the escrow process will involve completing disclosures, ensuring the buyer makes their initial deposit, completing your seller disclosures, providing access to your home for the buyer’s inspections, entertaining some possible repair requests, and finally – packing and getting ready to move!
The Next 30-45 Days
What will it take to get it all done? We will set out a detailed timeline for you as soon as escrow is opened up. You will know exactly what to expect throughout the escrow and our timeline will remove the guess work. Both you and the buyer have things to do during the escrow. You will complete extensive disclosures revealing what you know about the property; and the buyer will review your disclosures, ask questions and complete their inspections. The buyer will also apply for their mortgage (if they are getting financing), line up home owner’s insurance, and decide if they really want to complete the purchase of your home. Surprises do come up sometimes, and we can’t predict everything that will happen, but most escrows that open up will close. You can rely on our years of experience to guide you through the many steps of selling your home, and we will do our best to make this process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.