On Friday, December 17, at a SANDAG board meeting, Councilwoman Sherri Lightner asked SANDAG to withhold its immediate support for the plan announced in May to add 6 lanes to Interstate 5 between State Route 56 and Carlsbad.
Many Carmel Valley and Del Mar residents oppose the expansion plan because it involves the taking of private property on both sides of the I-5.
Read this article from the San Diego examiner.com for the complete update. Call me with any questions.
Kevin P. Cummins, J.D., SFR / Diane C. Cummins
Certified Relocation Specialist
Broker Sales Associate | REALTOR®
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
3810 Valley Centre Drive #906
San Diego, CA 92130
C: 858-750-9577
F: 858-793-9944
CA DRE Lic. # 01812762
web: http://KevinCumminsHomes.com
mail: kevinpcummins(at)gmail(dotted)com
blog: http://CarmelValleySDRealEstate.wordpress.com